Atlantis Reopens: Group Fitness Classes Update

It’s wonderful to have certain facilities within Atlantis reopened and a new kind of rhythm beginning to find its feet within the Centre. We know you’re all eager to hear when those facilities that are still closed are due to reopen. Group Fitness Classes are next on the horizon with classes running from mid-September  - keep an eye on the website and social media for exact dates and timings. Like everything else in the Centre, classes will be returning slightly differently than you may have known them before:

New Atlantis-own Programme
Covid-19 and its associated lockdown measures have inspired a complete rethink as to how Atlantis operates and the kinds of products we offer. One big change is that we’ve decided to design our own group fitness programme tailored to the needs of our community. We worked with Les Mills for many years, learning a huge amount and steadily training a now highly skilled instructor team. We want to offer our Atlantis instructors a freedom that allows their creativity and expertise to help shape a new programme as we move into this next chapter of Atlantis. We’re really excited that group fitness classes will start back under a brand new, Atlantis-own-brand programme. Keep an eye on our website and social media for the new classes as they’re revealed.

Booking Ahead
Once the programme is released, attending a class will only be possible by booking ahead online. Visit our website or use the iScuba app to book your place.

Class Size and New Location
One obvious consequence of the social-distancing safety measures we have in place at Atlantis is the number of people we can safely allow in one area at a time. The temporary move of the Gym into the Sports Hall allows us to host fitness classes in the former gym. This is a great space for our classes and allows us to allocate the necessary 3x3m spacing between class attendees. This slightly reduces the size of our fitness classes, with capacity limited to 12 people per class - you can reserve your space by booking ahead online. 

Moving around the Centre Safely
Before you attend a class, visit our website to find out more about how to enter and exit the building along with other new safety measures we’ve put in place. We’re asking everybody to wear a face-covering when moving around the Centre, this includes corridors and W/Cs. As always, please observe social distancing in all parts of the building.

As we continue in our phased reopening of Atlantis, our priority remains keeping everybody safe. We need your help in doing this and are relying on everyone doing their bit to protect each other. Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation.


Atlantis Reopens: Swimming Pools Update


Behind the Scenes: August ‘20