Behind the Scenes: August ‘20

At last, we’re allowed to re-open our Centre. Our businesses, families and communities have all responded differently to Covid-19 and the stringent measures imposed by lockdown. As Atlantis continues through our phased reopening with the return of the Gym on the 31st of August, we wanted to give you a more detailed update on what’s been happening at the Centre:

Centre Life – ‘maintaining a balance‘
Closing Atlantis is not as easy as turning the key and returning in six months’ time. The Centre is a large and complex system that even when closed requires rigorous ongoing care and maintenance. The volunteer Board has ensured that a balance has been struck between ongoing maintenance and planned projects that are necessary to prevent the further deterioration of the facility.

In the light of this, we’ve tried to view the Centre’s closure positively as it has allowed the completion of projects that would have been disruptive otherwise. In addition, social distancing measures have added to an already long work list. We’ve completely reconfigured our reception area to help keep staff and customers safe and invested in advanced sanitisation treatment that sterilises equipment and surfaces. Enhancing our online booking systems has been another significant piece of work necessary for our reopening.

The swimming pool requires the most amount of care and monitoring of all our facilities. Problems come when an area that is normally wet and humid dries out. As a result we have had to renew the walls and shower fittings of our wet-side changing and have started essential flooring works. The works are an important step towards us being able to honour the community fundraising raised over recent years. It’s an involved project that uncovers additional complications as it progresses – one example is the ceramic tiling around our small pool requiring comprehensive repair and renewal which will delay the full reopening of our pool further. These particular works can only be undertaken by specialist pool contractors whose staff availability have been just as affected by furlough and lockdown as our own.

Staff Team – ‘team update‘
Atlantis isn’t just empty of customers. The majority of our staff team have been on furlough since the start of lockdown. In the light of having to significantly reduce our customer capacity in line with government guidelines, the Board have had to make some very difficult decisions that are necessary for our continued existence. This has resulted in a number of redundancies of staff members who most recently joined us. These decisions were not taken lightly and have only come after examining whether there was any alternative course of action. 


We’re so grateful for the continued support of our customers and community as you stick by us while we all figure out how to return. Reopening the Gym is a huge step for us in that. It will reopen in our Sports Hall alongside 2 badminton courts from the 31st of August. The Gym and badminton join tennis and the outdoor playparks while all other facilities remain closed until further notice – we’ll of course keep you updated as things change. 

We’re so looking forward to safely welcoming you back to Atlantis from the 31st of August.


Atlantis Reopens: Group Fitness Classes Update


Behind the Scenes: July ‘20