Frequently Asked Questions


How do I book online?

You can book online through this site, or on our iScuba app which can be downloaded via the following links:
iScuba on iOS | iScuba on Android
If you have or have previously had a membership with us you can log in using the email address you have registered with us. The video above takes you through the booking system step by step.

Can I have my children/ partner on my membership account?

Yes, the email address much match on each account and you will then need to reset the password to match. The video above takes you through step by step. Please note that if your child hasn’t had a password before this will need issued by reception. All children in Oban Swim School have an account.

The session/ class I want is full, what can I do?

You can add your name to a waiting list, we often have cancellations so will offer spaces to the first people on the list. Check out the video if you need help doing it.

I can no longer attend my session, how do I cancel or check what I have booked?

If you login to your membership account on our website or iScuba App and select ‘My Account’ you can view and cancel your bookings. The video above takes you through step by step.